
DPX® Scope Saver

A revolution in scoped gun storage. Any way you look at it, a scoped long gun takes up the same space of two guns in your safe, except with the DPX Scope Saver. The Scope Saver takes advantage of space no other manufacturer has ever thought of using (the space in the door) to fit a scope.

With the scope recessed in the door, the scoped gun takes up no more space than an un-scoped long gun. And because the Scope Saver is integrated into the DPX door panel, your scoped long guns are right at your fingertips, easy to access as soon as the door swings open.

Why do we call it the Scope Saver? First it saves your scope from being potentially bumped as it is taken in and out of a conventional rack locations and second, it saves space for other guns by utilizing unused space in the door itself. And it does it without compromising security or fire protection. 


The Scope Saver is neatly molded into the door panel and uses the space in the door to create space for optics mounted on long guns. This unique, one of a kind rack maximizes long gun storage and isolates and protects your expensive optics from the usual bumps that occur when you’re moving guns in and out of your safe. This way your scope doesn’t have a chance to lose its zero.

Browning 30" wide Premium safes feature a single Scope Saver in the door that will fit two scoped long guns. Our Premium safes that are 37" or wider have two Scope Savers in the door that will fit four scoped long guns.

In addition, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the DPX Scope Saver feature doesn’t compromise the fire protection of your safe in any way. Your guns and other important possessions are as safe as they can be, come what may.

Look for the DPX Storage System and the exclusive Scope Saver on Browning ProSteel Premium safes.

Premium safes that are 37" or wider have two Scope Savers in the door that will fit four scoped long guns.

30" wide premium safes feature a single Scope Saver in the door that will fit two scoped long guns.